Little Smeaton Parish Council
The Little Smeaton Parish Council website has moved to a domain. Our new website address is
Please note the new address for future use. This site is no longer being updated and will be deleted shortly. Our Facebook social media is unaffected by this change and can be accessed here
Latest News for Little Smeaton
Smeatons, Womersley & Stapleton Bus Service Survey
You can download an electronic version (MS Word) of the 409 bus service survey here ->
Completed forms can be emailed to any of the councillors listed in the flyer.
Little Smeaton to Womersley Public Footpath Reopens
The public footpath from Little Smeaton (Smeatleys Lane) to Womersley has fully reopened following replacement of the footbridge at Oak Plantation.

New Bench at the playground
Earlier this year we replaced some equipment at the playground with the help of a grant from Selby District Council (below). With Selby's agreement we have been able to put some unspent grant funding towards the cost of a replacement bench overlooking the play area.
The previous concrete bench was sadly vandalised at the beginning of 2022. This new bench is made of 100% recyclable meterials and will hopefully serve the village for many years.

Replacement for the 408/409 Bus Service
Arriva have announced the withdrawal of the 408/409 bus service with effect from 02/10/22. This service ran though the Smeatons on a route between Pontefract and Doncaster. Following negotiations between North Yorkshire County Councillor John McCartney and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority a new service will operate from 03/10/22.
NB: The new service does not go to Doncaster, it is a circular route starting and finishing in Pontefract.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
It is with great sadness that Little Smeaton Parish Council learned of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II on 8th September 2022.
Our sincere condolences to all members of the Royal Family.